Our clients include individuals, business owners and their families, companies, trust companies, government agencies, and charitable and not-for profit organizations.
We advise estate trustees, estate trustees during litigation, trustees, attorneys for property and personal care and guardians with respect to their duties and responsibilities, including in respect of the assets and liabilities involved. We assist with the transfer, disposition and/or distribution of assets and all matters ancillary thereto.
We advise beneficiaries and/or family members of their rights and entitlements in estate, trust, power of attorney, and guardianship matters.
- 按照委托人意愿合理分配资产。A创立了一个有大量资金的家庭信托基金,但是为了防止子女滥用其财富或不思进取,则可以在信托协议中规定:“子女只有在获得了大学学位之后,才可以每年获得五十万每年的信托遗产”等。
- 保护家庭信托资产。信托资产特定属地通常具有良好的法律体系和客户信息保密原则,因此可以避免家族财产在当地国家被罚没或者强制征收等危险。
- 获得遗产继承税收优惠。经过合理设计的家庭信托,可以减少一定的遗产税或所得税,最大程度地保留家族资产。